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How to check if you are running a vulnerable LUKS setup (LUKS key derivation function)


On 2023-04-17 a report (in french) came out that said that someone had its LUKS encrypted drive decrypted by the police (even though he was using a long password).

This article is a simplified/more readable version of a longer article to check if you are running a vulnerable LUKS setup.


By design, if you use GRUB on an encrypted boot partition, the LUKS setup used for it is insecure since GRUB doesn't support LUKS2 encrypted boot partition.

Some people (including the LUKS creator) are debating wether or not it was actually brute-force that broke the encryption. Since, in theory, even with the most basic/insecure LUKS setup, it shouldn't be possible to brute-force the password. However, it's still possible because passwords are rarely random.

Grab the data

Once the drive is decrypted, run:

sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sdXY

/dev/sdXY is the partition on which the crypt device is, example:

sda        8:0    0   1.1T  0 disk  
└─sda1     8:1    0   1.1T  0 part  
  └─hdd 254:0    0   1.1T  0 crypt /mnt/

In this example, this is sda1.

The output of this command will be displayed on your terminal.

Analyse the data

In this output 2 informations need to be checked:

Version must be 2.

LUKS header information
Version:        2


PBKDF under "Keyslots" must be argon2id (Note: what's under "Digests" doesn't matter).

  0: luks2
    Key:        <REDACTED>
    Priority:   <REDACTED>
    Cipher:     <REDACTED>
    Cipher key: <REDACTED>
    PBKDF:      argon2id

If both values are correct: you are safe. If not, you are running a vulnerable LUKS setup, and must follow the fix of the original article.
